Spoken English Institute
Learn English the Way the World Learns it
Human beings are the only creatures endowed with the wonderful capacity to speak. Speech is a great blessing, but it can also be a great curse, for it helps us make our intentions and desires known to other fellows. People use a language as a medium of communication. English language is one of these languages. It is the most widely spoken language in the world. A great number of non- English speakers as well as native speakers use English as an important medium of international communication all over the world. English is no longer the language used solely in English speaking countries; rather it is internationally used. No developing country can ignore the role of spoken English in improving its international profile and prominence. Subsequently, the ability to listen critically and to express oneself clearly and effectively contribute to a student's success in school and college and later in life.
Good communication skills are a must for our career growth and English is the preferred language for communication in the corporate world. Anybody who wishes to make a successful career needs to have a strong command over this language. Most of us find it difficult to learn the nuances of this language because we are not brought up in an English-speaking atmosphere. English speaking courses can help a lot if you have a desire to gain fluency in English.
To meet the requirement of all those who need English communication in their work place, irrespective of their education, profession or status
v A play way method to empower students to speak English fluently
v Modules firmly based on TESOL Methodology
v Focus natural acquisition rather than learning
v Improvement in linguistic abilities
v An increase of cognitive abilities such as divergent thinking, concept formation, verbal abilities etc.
v Improves ones understanding of his/her native language.
v Opens the door to other cultures and helps one to understand and appreciate people from other countries.
v Increases job attainability in many careers where knowing target language is a real asset
v Enhance memory and confidence
Available for
v Students of school/ colleges/ other educational institutions/ Teachers
v Any job seekers (skilled or unskilled)
British Language Training Institute
BLTI is one of the renowned institutes that offer English language courses in all over India established recently in 2007 with just one room, it has grown into a full-fledged institute for English speaking courses. The courses are designed in way to enhance the confidence level of the students, thereby making them ready to face the corporate world. Besides providing the study material, various activities are conducted during the sessions to help students implement the skills they are learning.
Teaching Spoken English at Schools
The textbook used for teaching English at school is ‘The Crescent’. It mostly gives due attention to teaching aural and oral skills. For teaching listening, for example, it exposes students to some activities like ‘listen and repeat’, listen and tick’, reading some words and short phrases/ sentences, etc. As the course advances, students move progressively to more difficult activities. These sorts of activities prompt the learners to interact with each others, negotiate the meaning, express themselves, etc. They go beyond mastering the basic elements of sounds. In such interactive and personal activities, they have to listen to a cassette and, then react actively. Such a reaction may appear in the form of answering comprehension questions, filling in chart, giving oral answers, choosing the right option from a multiple choice activity, choosing the right picture, ordering events according to their occurrence, etc. Students are also provided with visual aids like pictures, maps diagrams, etc., to make their listening comprehension better. Students are also asked to give short talks about familiar topics like family, daily schedule, friendship, describing people, etc.
Teaching Spoken English at Private Educational Institutions
Teaching spoken English at private educational institutions presents an idealized image of how spoken English should be taught. Interesting and useful materials borrowed from western countries are used for teaching spoken English. These materials are made to equip the learners with the necessary communicative skills they need to actively interact among them and cope with the requirements of their society. Recent and interesting methods are also used for teaching these materials. In these courses, students have the opportunity to listen actively and analytically. They are also provided with visual teaching aids like pictures, CDs, data show, etc., so that they can watch what they listen to. In these courses, the learners are put into situations where they find themselves obliged to speak. Activities like classroom chat, classroom discussion, debates, incomplete dialogues, information gap activity, etc., are used to hone the learners’ listening and speaking skills.
Importance of Spoken English
The purposes of learning a language contexts are varied, but the thrust is to learn language to communicate, to improve one’s economic prospects, to expand one’s horizon’s both literally and/or figuratively to be a global citizen”. English has become a world language rather than the language of only the English speaking countries such as the UK and the USA because the number of the people who use English as a means of communication exceeds much more than the number of the people who speak it as their mother tongue.
Spoken English involves listening and speaking skills. Both listening and speaking are inseparable. Rather listening lays the foundation for speaking. As Hasan points out, “listening comprehension provides the right conditions for language acquisition and development of other language skills”. It precedes production skills in all cases of language learning, and, therefore, it stands to reason that there can be no production unless linguistic input is provided as comprehensible intake for the learner. Thus, listening is a fundamental language skill, and as such it merits a critical priority among the four skill areas for language learners. It appears to be the basic mechanism through which the rules of language are internalized, these laying the foundation for all the three macro skills – speaking, reading and writing that are to follow.
The need for spoken skills in English has also been dramatically increasing due to the strong position of English as a language for international communication. Learners need speaking skills to interact with each other, inside and outside the classroom. In relation to this, Richards and Renandya's assert: “A large percentage of the world's language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking”. Speaking is also important because there are many cases where learners know their subject well, but fail to communicate it properly. Therefore, the ability to speak English fluently will encourage them to communicate their brilliant ideas smoothly. Many language learners also regard speaking ability as the measure of mastering a language, because the speaking ability gives a quick impression of a person, whether s/he is a competent user of English or not. The ability to speak English has also become inevitable for students who want to pursue their higher studies abroad. Most hotel and restaurant employees, as well as store merchants abroad speak English. Therefore, speaking English can make their stay abroad comfortable.
Aural and Oral skills are also important in sectors other than education. In today’s corporate world, the need for effective aural and oral communication has been recognised and accepted more than the technical knowledge. It has, over the years, become an important medium of communication, both at the international and intra-national levels. The language of the corporate world is English. One can make strides in the management ladder if s/he can speak English fluently. If his/her English is poor, even though with brilliant business ideas, s/he may still find himself/herself languishing at the bottom of the management ladder. His/her productivity will drop over a period of time since s/he will find difficulty in expressing his/her brilliant business ideas.
Career bakers
Web: www.blti.in
Blog: Blti.blogspot.com bltieng@gmail.com |
Dear Sir/ Madam
We, at BLTI are pleased to utilize this valuable occasion to express our interest to have an alliance with your esteemed institution to impart our various training programs. BLTI is an international training venture established in 2007, well equipped with experienced professionals, with a vision to coach individuals, students, educational institutions to motivate people to step up their thinking ability and to reach their goals. BLTI has been training and impacting professionals, organizations schools, and colleges. We would like to extend our helping hand to your school also with a vision to get blossomed our long cherished dream of becoming the premier training organization in the field of English communication and life skills.
TTSC (Timely assistance for student’s capacity)
TASC is a unique skill upgrade program for the schools aiming at the total improvement of the students, teachers and parents. This is three year program comprising of soft skill training sessions along with the impressive communicative English training for students and teachers.
At this point we would like to highlight our communicative English training under TASC which is proposed to be launched in your institution in current academic year. This is an edutainment program for the enhancement of students
English communicative skills.
Our expertise in the implementation of English communication having customized modules and materials will of great interest to you. Even average students with poor conversational skills in English language will be introduced to language learning atmosphere of simulated and real time situations through our proven techniques. We believe in the creation of positive leaning environment that ensures results finer and faster which are not being produced from the conventional way of teaching this language. As part of TASC we go with a lot of activities from our training treasury to bring English in the campus trough CAM (campus Anglicization module).we assure the school management, teachers, and parents that the students will enjoy English like anything and at the end of this program English becomes a passion for everyone. In this program the teacher becomes the real friend and guide to the students and it is proven the great success of our course. Many experienced and reputed personalities have appreciated this way of doing and that is the motive behind doing all our projects.
Our modules have been exclusively designed to train result-oriented English language communication skills to meet the practical demands of day to day life of the pupils. At the same time students will be seen excelling in their examinations as well.
CAM (campus Anglicization module)
This is an active module tailored to be matching with the mind set of all levels. This is a cocktail mixed with indoor and outdoor activities.
- Speaker of the day
- Talk to me
- Best teller competition
- Information corner
- Quiz time
- Idioms day
- Heroes
- Campus survey
- Rolling trophy
- Time with the teachers
- Talent hunt
- Tiny trainers
- Word s day
- Thought for the day
- Find me
- Story telling
- Let me introduce
- One minute please
- Time with parents
- Cam election
- TASC day celebration
- English zone
Course specialties
70% of campus activities are done focusing campus. Campus work produce rapid results as students find it easy to talk in the campus. We make sure that the students speak only English. To make it happen we have cam representatives and captions in each and every corner of the campus.
To make the language attractive we introduce new events every month. The activities introduced are focused on GK and vocabulary, hunting the talents of students, bringing them out of shyness and stage fear and helping them to find out their inborn skills.
We do strictly focus on the class room activities along with activities related to campus. It has been given more importance for the sentence construction and question patters and behavior manners. Theoretical exercise is done in the most modern course materials.
A work will be provided to strength grammatical base of the students. To evaluate the improvements, tests competitions are conducted in the school. Certificates are also given for excellent participants in the activities. It will be “a never seen before class room” to students
How the school benefits
Over a period of time students develop excellent communicative skills producing extra output in speaking and writing with confidence and poise
Parents can experience the change among the children abruptly that leads to enhance the goodwill of the school.
Communicative English classes play a major part in filling up the cap if any, in academic and extracurricular activities.
Our faculty can act as a full time resource person who might used by the school authority for event management then mode of operation.
Payment schedule
The payment model will be decided by both the parties which should be mentioned in the agreement and fulfillment as and when decided according to the clauses in the same.
The deployment of trainers will be done by BLTI HR division. There may be two or more faculty simultaneously if it is necessary. Allotment of the classes and time will be done by the management or the authority. For higher standers computer, projector etc…. might be needed some occasions. The launching and closing will be marked by varieties of programs that may include cultural events and competitions etc…
Course contents at a glance
- Fundamentals of English grammar
- Etiquette/ manners
- Skits and plays
- Class room conversations
- Non classroom activities
- Rhymes and songs
- Story telling
- Vocabulary
- Pronunciation (phonetics)
- Accent neutralization
- Public speaking skills
- Seminars
- Group discussions
- Interview skills
- General conversation (formal and informal telephone, business etc..
- Etiquettes (occupation, school, class room, dining, telephone etc..
- Assessment (occupation, school, class room, dining, telephone etc..
- Intensive listening training (British and American)
- Review and feed backs
Course execution
- Mock and real time situations
- Role play
- Extempore
- Quiz programs interactive games
- Class room hands outs
- Picture cards/ flash cards
- Cd player
- Laptop
- Black or white boards
Life skill training
Blti soft skill training modules are based on various types of programs
- Motivation training
- Learning skills
- Exam oriented training
- Parent’s effective training
- Teacher’s effective training
- Aptitude tests
- Counseling
We believe that the above information is adequate to you to make a positive decision once more assuring you of our best output always
Looking forward for hearing from you very soon
Siju cs Mob:08606515016
Palakkad, Kerala